Improve education & digital learning
Ministry of Education & Training

Digitize and modernize education

Website Analytics
To achieve all these goals, we built a custom website portal with many tailor-made functions. By this way, any user can easily upload a video, modify it, rate and select others’videos. Everything in a clean and comfy way. After one semester that is to say one term of competition including 4 rounds, website system has done an outstanding job of processing. In fact, it is more than 83 000 persons who used the platform to process and upload 8 500 videos on the Website. Each sessions representing between 6 000 and 15 000 sessions per day during peak time.
A successful bet then both for Sutunam and the Vietnamese Ministry of Education & Training with a platform that went totally viral in less than a semester!
Customized Python script which use Youtube API for fast massive uploads to Youtube.
Groups (modified) to handle the hierarchy tree: province, district, school. Each has a dedicated group.
Rating and scoring features: handle competition’s rounds transition.
Users registration process: enable users to register their own hierarchical user groups
Dashboard Widgets: homemade plugin to display custom instructions for each roles (teacher, district admin, district experts, … )
Scripts to ensure successful uploads (compression, failure test, and more…)