Ministry of Education & Training

Transforming teaching methods through a digital shift.
Tanguy, CEO
Backed up by the World Bank and on the initiative of the MoET (Ministry of Education and Training), we developed a video, methods and material sharing platform for all teachers in Vietnam. The project aimed to encourage them switching from traditional methods to more advanced ones with the help of a complete database sharing.

Digitize and modernize education

Stimulate Vietnamese students' creativity
Stimulate Vietnamese students' creativity
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE-VNEN) project has ambition to build independent and creative thinking for students in Vietnam through new teaching and learning methods.
Give the voice and the tools to teachers
Give the voice and the tools to teachers
Provide opportunity for teachers to widely spread their inspiring ideas and results with schools that have adopted the VNEN teaching program.
Develop and run a video competition
Develop and run a video competition
We develop a full video platform to upload and manage video through low bandwidth networks and from remote areas. Plus we make it go viral!
Develop the online learning mindset
Develop the online learning mindset
Being supported by World Bank with a total budget of 84 Million USD, GPE-VNEN project has proven its positive impacts on many aspects of primary education.

Website Analytics

To achieve all these goals, we built a custom website portal with many tailor-made functions. By this way, any user can easily upload a video, modify it, rate and select others’videos. Everything in a clean and comfy way. After one semester that is to say one term of competition including 4 rounds, website system has done an outstanding job of processing. In fact, it is more than 83 000 persons who used the platform to process and upload 8 500 videos on the Website. Each sessions representing between 6 000 and 15 000 sessions per day during peak time.

A successful bet then both for Sutunam and the Vietnamese Ministry of Education & Training with a platform that went totally viral in less than a semester!

Tailor-made functions in the platform:
Tailor-made functions in the platform:

Customized Python script which use Youtube API for fast massive uploads to Youtube.

Groups (modified) to handle the hierarchy tree: province, district, school. Each has a dedicated group.

Rating and scoring features: handle competition’s rounds transition.

Users registration process: enable users to register their own hierarchical user groups

Dashboard Widgets: homemade plugin to display custom instructions for each roles (teacher, district admin, district experts, … )

Scripts to ensure successful uploads (compression, failure test, and more…)