Meilland Richardier

Nurturing Meilland Richardier's Digital Transformation
Jérôme, Project Manager
For over a century, Meilland Richardier has been renowned for its exquisite roses and horticultural expertise. Seeking to modernize their image and digitalize an aging system, they entrusted us with a Magento 2 revamp featuring a full new design and seamless ERP connection. Our approach ensured a cutting-edge, efficient, and visually appealing online presence.

Flourishing Online Presence

Strengthening and upgrading with Magento 2
Leveraging the latest in Magento 2 for a secure, feature-rich online experience.
Boosting Performance with Hyvä
Elevate site speed and response times by integrating cutting-edge Hyvä technology.
Easing operations via ERP connection
E-commerce seamlessly integrates with Meilland Richardier’s order system.
Updating Meilland Richardier's Brand Image
Updating the company’s brand with a more modern design and a bilingual interface.
Responsive Hyva Magento Meilland Richardier

Magento 2 - Swift, strong, and effortlessly versatile!

At the heart of this ambitious project was the vision to position Magento 2 as the central hub in Meilland Richardier’s eCommerce ecosystem. Our team meticulously planned the migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2, ensuring a seamless transition without compromising data integrity or user experience.

The new website, enhanced by a robust ERP integration, streamlines operations efficiently. Our custom ETL solution, built on Symfony, serves as the core system, syncing products with the ERP to manage feeds and inventory seamlessly.

A significant UX/UI overhaul was undertaken to refresh Meilland Richardier’s brand identity, resulting in a modern and intuitive interface. The implementation of Hyvä for the front-end ensured exceptional performance and responsiveness. This comprehensive redesign led to a remarkable increase in engagement, with twice as many orders and 20 times more catalog pages.

The new loyalty feature further enhanced customer retention, providing a seamless and rewarding shopping experience. Our commitment to security was paramount, with Magento 2 offering advanced protection to safeguard customer data. This project not only modernized Meilland Richardier’s digital presence but also positioned them for sustained growth in the competitive eCommerce landscape.

Bloom Online with Modern Tech and SeamlessIntegration!
Bloom Online with Modern Tech and SeamlessIntegration!

Migrating from Magento 1 to the enhanced Magento 2.

Customizing features for peak Magento 2 performance.

Ensuring fluid navigation across devices – from mobiles to desktops.

Syncing products with ERP to manage feeds and inventory seamlessly.

Optimizing SEO to improve search engine ranking.

Refreshing the brand identity with a significant UX/UI overhaul.

Implementing Hyvä frontend for exceptional performance and responsiveness.

Leveraging Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS for a dynamic interface.

Adding a multi-lingual feature to cater to diverse customers.

Introducing a loyalty program to enhance customer retention.

Enhancing the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment rates.

Securing the website with advanced protection measures in Magento 2.