Revamp with Vue Store Front
Le Petit Olivier

User Centric but not only...

Innovative PWA transformation
Develop a mobile application and a web application at the same time? Yes, it’s possible, thanks to Progressive Web Apps. These applications are optimized for all types of devices and web browsers.
The term “progressive” means that the content is downloaded as you browse, making it possible to access the store without an Internet connection!
No limit, the PWA has allowed the development of an interface independent of Magento system and replicable for other projects. Advantages are various: availability of the service even with a weak connection, modern language based on an Open Source library, significant performance gain with a faster loading than a traditional site, fluidity of navigation as on a native app …
In addition, the number of visits increased, the bounce rate decreased and the conversion rate increased.
As official Vuestorefront partner, we were keen to bring all our know-how to this project.
Workshop and definition of the functional perimeter
Project management in SCRUM agility, split into 14 sprints
Ergonomic prototyping and optimisation of the user experience
Graphic and artistic direction with digitalization of the brand positioning
A responsive and optimized path on all devices (desktop, tablet & mobile devices)
Implementation of the PWA architecture
Integration of third party modules (Elastic Search server, …)
Search Engines Optimization and respect of SEO standards
Customer support in the management and administration of the solution